2020, vinterjazz and other stuff

“Simply put, these guys are the best piano trio in Denmark, and Nikolaj Hess is one of the most inventive jazz pianists working today” (Mitch Myers Magnet Magazine US 2019)

Winther Jazz concerts coming up last half of February, presenting some beloved bands and projects, including creative improvising original artist Marilyn Mazur, international bass virtuoso Francois Moutin, cinematic, telepathic trance-in-the-attic Spacelab, family with 3xHess, Brooklinity Social Club, and grand piano only Solo Impressions plus Micro Chapters. Hope to see you out there!

Also looking forward to playing trio in Paris in March and revisiting Impressions of Bob Dylan in trio format in Istanbul in April.

Proud to have made the soundtrack and live music in the feature film “De Forbandede År” by Anders Refn which just premiered. Beautiful string orchestra by the Prague Symphony and Fames studio, and amazing playing by KT, AC and Mikkel Hess.


Also proud to have composed for Kongernes Fald by Mads Kamp Thulstrup and of course have my music and Spacelab represented in May el-Toukhys masterpiece “Dronningen”.




Looking forward to the duo concert tour with Kira Skov / Nikolaj Hess September 2017!

Thanks for beautiful 2017 summer concerts with Marc Mommaas, Hess/AC/Hess Spacelab, Halvcirkel, The Savage Rose, George Garzone, Caroline Henderson, Kresten Osgood, Josh Ginsburg, Jacob Fischer, Peter Vuust, Social Club, 3xHess, Adam Nussbaum, Jay Anderson.


Still working on new music for Hess & Strings, recording on its way:


new album!

Bugs – Spacelab Live In London, BBC recording of Spacelab (Nikolaj Hess, AC, Mikkel Hess) Live at the jazz club Pizza Express in London


The ongoing SMK collaboration Impressions Of Hammershøi:


new album!

Nikolaj Hess with Marilyn Mazur, Mikkel Hess, Anders Christensen, “Rhapsody” Impressions Of Hammershøi Cloud Jazz http://slowboattocloud.blogspot.dk/2016/03/blog-post.html


new album!

Hess/Mommaas Ballads And Standards Album at prestigious Sunnyside Records, first reviews: www.allaboutjazz.com/php/article_center.php?in_artist=mommaas&in_album=&in_label=&in_author=&in_type=0 and http://www.writteninmusic.com/jazz/marc-mommaas-nikolaj-hess-ballads-and-standards/


new album!!

Micro Chapters, Nikolaj Hess solo piano, effects, Praghs Symphony string section


Best jazz album of the year: Music For Mum And Dad!

Double nomination at Danish Music Awards, best jazz album of the year with
Hess/AC/Hess Spacelab & 3xHess Music For Mum And Dad!!!